
Stroke or Headache?

At church Sunday I had to wear one of my alternative hair styles.  I decided on my newest Pixie Sherri Shepherd style. After braiding my hair then putting on my new wig cap and alternative hair I was out and ready for church.

Sitting in church my head begain to feel tight. It didn’t actually hurt,  but something was not right. A little later I started to have a tinge bit of a headache. I excused myself and went to the ladies room. It seemed as if my head was getting bigger–it just felt tight.  The alternative hair seemed to be fitting right except it felt tight around the crown of my head.  I thought as I looked in the mirror that maybe I could see stroke symptoms in my eyes, but I couldn’t.

I made it through service and raced to my car. There would be no fellowshiping after church. Each traffic light caught me as I raced home to the Aleve bottle.

As I turned into the garage I put my finger under the front of the alternative hair.  At that moment I knew I was not having a stroke. I hit the garage opener and drove in. As the door started to close I immediately took off the cute Pixie and the new wig cap with the extra wide band.

It was the wig cap band that was making my head feel like a rubber band was around it. I thanked God for no stroke and immediately found the old wig cap. Sometimes well worn is more comfortable than new.

Remember “thisisyourbestyear”.

1 Comment

  • Edwina Putney
    March 28, 2013 at 2:08 pm

    Well, thank goodness it was the wig cap band. � Edwina



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