
Worthy Causes and New Friends



Years ago I was a member of the Tarrant County Aids Interfaith Network.  After the organization consolidated with the Aids Outreach Center I kind of loss touch.  Recently I volunteered for their Evening of Hope event.  I met so many wonderful people, reconnected with some and just talked with others I see all the time.

One of the most outstanding individuals that I met is pictured above with me.  Her name is Ms. Beverly Davis, and she was a volunteer too.  What made her so wonderful was not her working with this cause, it was her “testimony”–her faith in God.  As we waited for the event to start we talked about children, jobs and life in general.  Beverly had worked with state of Louisiana (she’s from New Orleans) in educating their citizens about HIV.  This is all well and good, but her testimony was what amazed me more.

With faith she had overcome, early marriage, single motherhood, lack of education, paralysis, parasite infection from water that killed others, and so much more.  She overcame all of those things, and she will tell you–it was her faith in God that got her though all of this.  She is a successful business woman, gospel singer, mother and grandmother who walks in faith.

She makes me remember “thisisyourbestyear”.



  • Mary Rusnak
    June 18, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    This beautiful, Maricia. Thank you for honoring Bev in this manner.


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